Nosso objetivo é preservar, explorar e compartilhar o arquivo de um monte de diques punk pós-punk que abalaram Londres, Reino Unido, nos anos 80.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
Estamos usando este arquivo para:
Inspirar mulheres lésbicas e bissexuais (cis / trans / nb)
Trabalhe com acadêmicos, artistas, músicos, cineastas e artistas para realizar pesquisas e criar obras de arte com base no arquivo
Reaplique a comunidade original de Rebel Dykes para combater o isolamento entre mulheres mais velhas
Use o arquivo e as obras de arte para estimular o debate e as conexões entre gerações
"Life in the 1980s? Well... it was exciting, it was scary, it was fun, it was poor, it was a great time and a terrible time to be young and queer in London." Debbie Smith
REBEL DYKES HISTORY PROJECT focuses on the heritage of a group of young lesbians who lived in London in the 1980s. This loose grouping was made up of young punk women on the edge of society. The areas of London that the heritage focuses on is Brixton, Vauxhall, Peckham, Soho, Forest Gate and Hackney. The young women were involved in political movements of the period 1983 - 1991, including Greenham Common, South London Women’s Hospital Occupation, anti-censorship, sex-positive feminism, sex workers rights, anti Section 28, ACT-UP and the Poll Tax Riots. As a movement they were heavily involved in art and culture, creating bands, art, club nights, zines and festivals.
Our project has inspired a host of art activities from sound to textiles to drag performance. We have worked with a number of academics to ensure these stories get into the history book. We are working with filmmakers to create a Feature Length Documentary. We run occasional events, including Gatherings and Online Film Club. We work with numerous partners, including Bishopsgate Institute and On The Record. We inspire, we develop community, we have fun. We are The Rebel Dykes, and we believe anything is possible!